About Lauren Keen Aumond
Lives in Tampa Bay, FL
35 years old
Married to Aric (age 32) since 2019, together since 2015
13 years older than her sister, 2 years older than her brother
2 nieces and 1 nephew, no kids
Loves red wine, and watching and playing sports
Bachelor's in Finance from the University of Florida
Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning from Boston University
9-5 job was B2B salesperson, left coporate in 2023
Net worth between $2 million and $4 million
Hundreds of thousands in stocks (index funds)
4 total properties, including primary
Good amount of mortgage debt :)
10 rental doors with 3 long-term rentals, 7 short-term rentals
Started this site to help educate about personal finance because if we make money easier, we make adulting easier too

Not a licensed financial professional. Please consider information shared as informational then speak with someone who is.

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